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(13 Recensioni)
AVAST Premium Security 2020 Key (3 Years / 1 Device)

AVAST Premium Security 2021 Key (1 Year / 3 PCs)

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Garantiamo pagamenti sicuri
Lavoriamo duramente per proteggere la sicurezza dei tuoi pagamenti. Il nostro Ufficio Prevenzione Frodi lavora 24 ore su 24 per proteggere le tue transazioni. Abbiamo implementato un sistema creato su misura per rilevare potenziali truffatori e abbiamo stretto una collaborazione con Ravelin, una delle migliori piattaforme di prevenzione frodi al mondo. Non condividiamo i dati dei tuoi pagamenti con venditori esterni e non vendiamo le tue informazioni personali a terzi.
Come attivare la Chiave

More than just antivirus, Avast Premium Security is complete online protection for all of your computers, phones, and tablets.

Protection against your greatest online foes
Avast Premium Security protects against all online threats, including spoofed websites and ransomware.

Now you can safely shop and bank online
Spoofed (fake) websites are one of the oldest hacking tricks in the book. Avast Premium Security scans websites for security risks on both your computer and mobile phone, so you can finally shop and bank online safely on any device.

Avoid becoming the victim of digital extortion
Ransomware is quickly becoming one of the most common — and dangerous — types of malware out there. Avast Premium Security fully protects all of your devices against havoc-wreaking ransomware so you don’t become the victim of digital extortion.

Whichever devices you use, we’ve got you covered.

Viruses, ransomware, scams, and other attacks target Windows more than any other operating system. So if you’re a PC owner, the stronger your protection, the better.