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Legends of Amberland II: The Song of Trees Steam CD Key

Legends of Amberland: The Forgotten Crown Steam CD Key

Key activation
Release date: 26/03/2019

Storyline is a fairy tale, mythical heroic fantasy. You are the good guys on a quest to fight the forces of evil. The world is non linear, with very few locked areas. You basically can go anywhere and do things in different order. In addition you can choose a different set of quests to finish the game (but those are not mutually exclusive, so you can finish all quests if you like). It’s more like a world driven than a story driven. The priority was to make the world feel alive and let you explore it as you wish than follow a linear list of quests.


  • Classic, 90 degree rotation, FPP, turn-based, tile movement RPG.
  • Party-based (7 party members assembled upon start).
  • Open world with a big overworld to explore.
  • Fast paced combat. Quick travel. Easy inventory management. No grind.
  • Light, fairy tale like fantasy, epic story about heroes on a noble quest.