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Supreme Commander Gold Edition Steam CD Key

Supreme Commander 2 + Infinite War Battle Pack DLC Steam CD Key

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  • Supreme Commander 2
  • Infinite War Battle Pack DLC

In Supreme Commander 2, players will experience brutal battles on a massive scale! Players will wage war by creating enormous customizable armies and experimental war machines that can change the balance of power at any given moment. Take the role of one of the three enigmatic commanders, each representing a unique faction with a rich story that brings a new level of emotional connection to the RTS genre, or fight the battle online. Where do your loyalties lie?

Infinite War Battle Pack DLC
Get ready for some awesome new features and upgrades developed by Chris Taylor and the team at Gas Powered Games - The Infinite War Battle Pack for Supreme Commander 2 featuring a whole host of new maps, units, experimentals, tech tree upgrades, and boosts for PC!


  • A deep and powerful story - element adds a personal, human aspect to a storyline previously focused on warring factions and the politics that fuel them. The single player campaign features three character-driven storylines set 25 years after the events of Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance 
  • Command enormous armies made up of customizable land, air and naval units. Each of the three diverse factions – The United Earth Federation (UEF), the Cybran Nation and the Illuminate – have been completely redesigned from the original game, with many units. 
  • Experimental units - returning with new designs and greatly enhanced looks….and some new tricks that can be unlocked through research 
  • New Supreme Commander Gameplay Experience - players now have the ability to research new technologies and units and deploy them instantly on the battlefield, allowing them to upgrade a base-level tank to a high-powered, multi-barreled, AA-sporting monster by the end of a given game. 
  • Strategic Mode UI - the redesigned UI that is faster, takes up less screen real-estate and gives better player feedback 
  • New rendering technology that allows us to create visually spectacular environments