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Wolf Pack Steam Gift

Wolf Pack Steam Gift

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97.97% von 5139 Bewertungen sind ausgezeichnet!
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Veröffentlichung: 04/08/2007

Wolf Pack Steam Geschenk

Plattform:  Steam
Sprachen:  EN
Release:    4 Aug 2007

Über das Produkt

Enthält 3 Artikel: Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny, Return to Castle Wolfenstein.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein

World War II rages and nations fall. SS head Himmler has Hitler's full backing to twist science and the occult into an army capable of annihilating the Allies once and for all. Battling alone, you're on an intense mission to pierce the black heart of the Third Reich and stop Himmler -- or die trying. Fighting in advanced team-based multiplayer mode, you'll wage your own WWII in an all-out Axis vs. Allies contest for frontline domination.
Powered by the Quake III Arena engine, the Wolfenstein universe explodes with the kind of epic environments, A.I., firepower and cinematic effects that only a game created by true masters can deliver. The dark reich's closing in. The time to act is now. Evil prevails when good men do nothing.

Wolfenstein 3D

It's World War II and you are B.J. Blazkowicz, the Allies' most valuable agent. In the midst of the German Blitzkrieg, the Spear that pierced the side of Christ is taken from Versailles by the Nazis and secured in the impregnable Castle Wolfenstein. According to legend, no man can be defeated when he has the Spear. Hitler believes himself to be invincible with the power of the Spear as his brutal army sweeps across Europe. Your mission is to infiltrate the heavily guarded Nazi stronghold and recapture the Spear from an already unbalanced Hitler. The loss of his most coveted weapon could push him over the edge. It could also get you ripped to pieces.

Spear of Destiny

It's World War II and you are B.J. Blazkowicz, the Allies' most valuable agent. In the midst of the German Blitzkrieg, the Spear that pierced the side of Christ is taken from Versailles by the Nazis and secured in the impregnable Castle Wolfenstein. According to legend, no man can be defeated when he has the Spear. Hitler believes himself to be invincible with the power of the Spear as his brutal army sweeps across Europe. Your mission is to infiltrate the heavily guarded Nazi stronghold and recapture the Spear from an already unbalanced Hitler. The loss of his most coveted weapon could push him over the edge. It could also get you ripped to pieces.


3-D Hardware Accelerator (with 16MB VRAM with full OpenGL® support; Pentium® II 400 Mhz processor or Athlon® processor; English version of Windows® 2000/XP Operating System; 128 MB RAM; 16-bit high color video mode; 800 MB of uncompressed hard disk space for game files (Minimum Install), plus 300 MB for the Windows swap file; a 100% Windows® 2000/XP compatible computer system (including compatible 32-bit drivers for video card, sound card and input devices); 100% DirectX® 8.0a (included); 100% DirectX 3.0 or higher compatible sound card and drivers; 100% Microsoft-compatible mouse/keyboard and driver
Multiplayer Requirements: Internet (TCP/IP) and LAN (TCP/IP and IPX) play supported, Internet play requires a 100% Windows 2000/XP compatible 56.6 Kbps (or faster) modem