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Agarest: Generations of War Steam CD Key

Agarest: Generations of War Steam Gift

Vendido por
Steampunk Games
98.19% de 7416 evaluaciones son excelentes!
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Los detalles clave de activación
Al principio de los tiempos, las fuerzas del bien y del mal se enfrentaron en una guerra que acabó por destruir el mundo. Los Dioses de la Luz, victoriosos, utilizaron los cuerpos de los Dioses de la Oscuridad para crear un mundo nuevo.
Ahora, las fuerzas de la oscuridad se despiertan de nuevo…
• Enfréntate a cientos de criaturas diferentes utilizando todos los poderes de tu personaje en un innovador combate por turnos
• Crea un ejército único y domina las habilidades adicionales, las artes especiales y las muertes absolutas para derrotar a enemigos increíbles
• Elige el camino de la luz o el de la oscuridad. Entabla relaciones y utiliza el sistema de generación de almas para crear la nueva generación de héroes DLC gratuito incluidoBasic Pack - A basic package. It contains 1 each of Resurrect, Capture, and Resist Direction, 2 each of Heal and Refresh, and 5 Vessels of Life.
Offense-Defense Pack- Contains 1 Adaka, 1 Shield Sword, 1 Bird Eye, 1 Magic Frame, 1 Critical Hit, and 2 Seeds of Happiness.
Additional-Points Pack 1 - Contains 10,000G, 100PP, 250TP, and 500EP.
Recovery-Skill Pack - Contains 2 Light Heals, 2 Harvest Heals, and 2 Cure Alls, as well as 1 Prayer, 1 Gospel, and 1 Counter.
Flower Pack - Contains 1 Lucky Charm, 1 HP Up, 1 Resist Ailments, 1 Restore HP 15%, and 1 Restore AP++, as well as 2 Moonlight Flowers, and 3 Tree Spirit Souls.
General-Purpose Pack - Contains 1 Magic Blade, 1 Partisan, 1 Battle Frame, 1 Bracelet of Feicui, and 1 Item Drop Rate Up, as well as 2 Shiny Fangs, and 2 Advanced Heals.
Add-on Dungeon 1 - An add-on dungeon for generation 1. An uncharted adventure awaits you on the Holy Island of Erin!
Add-on Dungeon 2 - An add-on dungeon for generation 2. A new frontier waits to be explored along the Trum Coast!
Add-on Dungeon 3 - An add-on dungeon for generation 3. It's time to reunite with old friends at Magna Val!
Add-on Dungeon 4 - An add-on dungeon for generation 4. Embark on an exciting journey to the mysterious Tresor Island!
Add-on Dungeon 5 - An add-on dungeon for generation 5. Embark on one last adventure into the Deep Forest Naruvia!
Amateur-Breeder Pack - Contains 2 Mithril Beast Claws, 2 Large Mithril Claws+, 2 Big Beast Fangs+, and 2 Stardust Fangs+. This is the week to adore your dog.
Top-Breeder Pack - Contains 2 Stardust Claws, 2 Mithril Beast Claws+, 2 Beast King Fangs+, and 2 Stardust Claws+. Your monster will look nice and pretty with this wonderful new items!
The Role-model Pack - Contains 1 Langguth Sword, 1 S.O.C., and 1 Extra Frame. "Langguth Sword. A holy sword that shines with the sacred light of god." Wow, it couldn't be more perfect!
Ceremony Pack - Contains 1 Alfa Beld Spear, 1 Gate of Hell, and 1 Chaos Frame. These seem like something you use to open a portal to the netherworld, don't they? Be careful...
Elegant-Holiday Pack - Contains 1 Washer, 1 Man's Fist, and 1 Halper Scythe. Wash your dog with the Washer, equip yourself with the Man's Fist, and throw the Halper Scythe. Go fetch! This will add a little spice to your weekend--uh, no. Scythes aren't meant for throwing. That would be really dangerous. Seriously.