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BioShock Infinite RU VPN Activated Steam CD Key

BioShock Infinite RU VPN Required Steam CD Key

Vendu par
USA Software & Games
99.30% des évaluations 167426 sont excellentes!
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Cette version du jeu peut être activée et jouée uniquement sur des comptes configurés pour la région de la Russie.
Date de sortie: 25/03/2013

BioShock Infinite RU VPN REQUIRED Steam Key

Platform:  Steam
Languages:  EN/DE/FR/IT/ES
Release Date:    25/03/2013

À propos du jeu

 Notice Importante:
Attention!!! C'est la Version Russe du jeu et nous ne pourrons en aucun cas être tenus pour responsables de la région, de la langue ou d'autres restrictions du jeu!

Indebted to the wrong people, with his life on the line, veteran of the U.S. Cavalry and now hired gun, Booker DeWitt has only one opportunity to wipe his slate clean. He must rescue Elizabeth, a mysterious girl imprisoned since childhood and locked up in the flying city of Columbia. Forced to trust one another, Booker and Elizabeth form a powerful bond during their daring escape. Together, they learn to harness an expanding arsenal of weapons and abilities, as they fight on zeppelins in the clouds, along high-speed Sky-Lines, and down in the streets of Columbia, all while surviving the threats of the air-city and uncovering its dark secret.”


  • The City in the Sky – Leave the depths of Rapture to soar among the clouds of Columbia. A technological marvel, the flying city is a beautiful and vibrant world that holds a very dark secret.
  • Unlikely Mission – Set in 1912, hired gun Booker DeWitt must rescue a mysterious girl from the sky-city of Columbia or never leave it alive.
  • Whip, Zip, and Kill – Turn the city’s Sky-Lines into weaponized roller coasters as you zip through the flying city and dish out fatal hands-on punishment.
  • Tear Through Time – Open Tears in time and space to shape the battlefield and turn the tide in combat by pulling weapons, turrets, and other resources out of thin air.
  • Vigorous Powers – Throw explosive fireballs, shoot lightning, and release murders of crows as devastatingly powerful Vigors surge through your body to be unleashed against all that oppose you.
  • Custom Combat Experience – With deadly weapons in one hand, powerful Vigors in the other, and the ability to open Tears in time and space, fight your own way through the floating city of Columbia to rescue Elizabeth and reach freedom.
  • 1999 Mode – Upon finishing BioShock Infinite, the player can unlock a game mode called “1999 Mode” that gives experienced players a taste of the kind of design and balance that hardcore gamers enjoyed back in the 20th century.

System Requirements

  • OS: Windows Vista Service Pack 2 32-bit
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 DUO 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon X2 2.7 GHz
  • Memory: 2GB
  • Hard Disk Space: 20 GB free
  • Video Card: DirectX10 Compatible ATI Radeon HD 3870 / NVIDIA 8800 GT / Intel HD 3000 Integrated Graphics
  • Video Card Memory: 512 MB
  • Sound: DirectX Compatible