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NBA 2K17 Steam Gift

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Data di rilascio: 20/09/2016

NBA 2K17 Steam Gift

Piattaforma: Steam
data di rilascio:  20/09/2016

Informazioni sul gioco

La stagione sportiva è in azione con tutti i grandi titoli sportivi che escono e qui trattiamo la nuova versione di NBA 2K - NBA 2K17! Sempre 2K di rilasciare dei ottimi giochi, specialmente quando si tratta  del loro miglior titolo sportivo NBA 2K. Quest'anno non è differente per 2K Games che ritornano con un altro travolgente titolo della serie.


The graphics in NBA 2K17 have been updated dramatically. Skin tones, team logos and even small details such as player hair have been improved to be far more realistic. An entire line of shoes has now been included as well with the most well-known shoes now being added to the game such as: Jordan, Air Force 1, Converse Weapon, Shaq Attack and the entire Kobe Collection.

The team behind NBA 2k17 put in a lot of work to make sure this year’s version of the game will be unique at every level. Now, every arena has its unique sound! The echo of when you’re dribbling the ball and the crowd itself is unique to every city, just like in reality. Commentators are based geographically as well, so depending on where you play you’ll experience different commentators.

Annoyed about the randomness factor in games? NBA 2k17 will promote actual player skill above any form of randomness! You’re in control, your skill with the controller is what matters! Shots have an added timing component, and you will be rewarded for taking a shot at the best possible moment. New combinations are available for dribbling as well and players who have practiced and our apt with these skills will be favored!

Requisiti di sistema

  • OS: Windows 7 64-bit, Windows 8.1 64-bit or Windows 10 64-bit 
  • Processor: Intel® Core™ i3-530 @ 2.93 GHz / AMD Phenom™ II X4 805 @ 2.50 GHz or better 
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM 
  • Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 430 1GB / ATI® Radeon™ HD 6450 1GB or better 
  • DirectX: Version 11 
  • Storage: 70 GB available space 
  • Sound Card: DirectX 9.0x compatible 
  • Additional Notes: Dual-analog gamepad; Additional Notes: Initial installation requires one-time internet connection for Steam authentication; software installations required (included with the game) include DirectX and Visual C++ Redistributable 2012