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(19 Recensioni)
Origin / EA app
Origin / EA app
Origin / EA app

The Sims 3 - Katy Perry's Sweet Treats DLC Origin CD Key

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Data di rilascio: 08/06/2012

The Sims 3: Katy Perry's Sweet Treats Origin Key

Piattaforma: Origin
Data di rilascio:   8 June 2012

Informazioni sul gioco

Per poter giocare devi possedere la versione base del gioco cioè - The Sims 3 sulla piattaforma Origin!

Coccola i tuoi Sims con lo stile dolce e vibrante di Katy Perry. The Sims 3: Katy Perry's Sweet Treatsstuff pack mette in mostra una vasta gamma di articoli di arredamento, mobili, e, naturalmente, le mode favolose e acconciature. Ispirato abbigliamento della vita reale di Katy Perry e oggetti di scena, questi mobili divertenti, decorazioni, e le mode aggiungerà un tocco di stile dolce per la vita dei tuoi Sims. Pranzo con più roba di quanto tu abbia mai visto, i tuoi Sims potranno anche godere di tre nuovissime sale spettacolari, tra cui un ritrovo locale, un parco cittadino, e una zona piscina - ogni addobbata in delizioso stile Katy Perry.


  • Sweeten your Sims' lives with Katy Perry-inspired objects from a cupcake-shaped guitar to candyland playground equipment to luscious cotton candy trees and more.
  • Make your Sims' homes and neighborhood into a Candyfornia with whimsical and colorful furnishing and décor.
  • Outfit your Sims in an array of new clothing and hairstyles that will make them look good enough to eat.
  • Transform the neighborhood with three pre-built venues (Patty's Natural Baths, Bonbon Lawn Park, Cake Pleasure Dome) that add the perfect Katy Perry touch to your Sims' town.
  • TGIF with your Sims - receive an exclusive Simlish version of Katy Perry's hit song.
  • More stuff than you can sink your sweet tooth into - with the wide variety of objects and apparel, plus three pre-built venues, this is more than just a stuff pack.

Requisiti di sistema

  • CPU - XP: 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent; Windows Vista and Windows 7: 2.4 GHz P4 processor or equivalent
  • RAM - XP: 1 GB; Vista and Windows 7: 1.5 GB (NVIDIA ION computer require at least 2 GB)
  • Disc Drive - DVD drive
  • Hard Drive - At least 1.5 GB of hard drive space with at least 1 GB of additional space for custom content and saved games (7 GB required if installing with The Sims 3)
  • Video Card - DirectX 9.0c compatible video card wth 128 MB video RAM and support for pixel shader 2.0 support (see for the full video card support information)